Some systems are experiencing issues

Past Incidents

Thursday 21st November 2019

No incidents reported

Wednesday 20th November 2019

Cellar TLS errors on cellar-c2

Cellar-c2 is having trouble with TLS connections, we are working on it.

08:16 UTC: The issue is resolved

Tuesday 19th November 2019

No incidents reported

Monday 18th November 2019

Infrastructure Network issues on our Paris zone

We are currently having network issues across the platform. We are investigating the issue.

EDIT 16:32 UTC: The network issue seems to be resolving, only one of our datacenter had the issue but it may have impacted applications and add-ons that weren't in this datacenter.

EDIT 16:36 UTC: Console is not stable because of Clever Cloud API issues due to datacenter network problems.

EDIT 16:40 UTC: Our network provider is already aware of the issue and is looking into it.

EDIT 17:00 UTC: Our datacenters still have issues, we working on it with our provider.

EDIT 17:17 UTC: The network issue on our datacenters is over but it included additional issues. API is currently having issues and our console is unreachable at the moment.

EDIT 17:34 UTC: Console and API are up again and we are making sure that all services are up and running again.

EDIT 19:26 UTC: The incident is currently over and nothing has come up since 17:34 UTC.

We are still waiting for more information from our Network Provider that we will add here as soon as we get it.

The network perturbation was ongoing from 16:18 UTC to 16:30 UTC. One of our datacenter experienced high packet loss due to routing issues. Those issues were only impacting the external trafic (communication between our 2 datacenters was not impacted). Applications and add-ons were UP but unfortunately, because of those routing issues, you may have experienced difficulties reaching out your applications.

Those issues also impacted some of our systems and made our API / Console unavailable for 1h during which deployments were also not working.

Sunday 17th November 2019

API SSL certificates generation is experiencing issues due to Let's Encrypt organisation issues

SSL certificates generation is experiencing issues due to Let's Encrypt organisation issues:

Saturday 16th November 2019

No incidents reported

Friday 15th November 2019

No incidents reported